EHS Management and OHS Policy

Our EHS policy is to conduct business in a way that protects people, the environment and our assets while performing our business activities. Our employees and our community are the most important subjects of this policy. All our employees, contractors and subcontractors must comply with this policy. 

Our EHS Management Objectives

Identifying and eliminating risks to employees, contractors and the environment as soon as possible. Managing all risks that cannot be eliminated.

Designing and regularly maintaining appropriate facilities to ensure that appropriate precautions are taken to protect people, the environment and assets.

Training all employees and contractors about the risks associated with our company's operations.

Providing employees with operation and maintenance training to enable them to perform their duties in a safe and effective manner.

Co-ordination with government agencies and relevant emergency teams to ensure an appropriate and effective response in the case of an emergency.

Continuous improvement of EHS management tools to ensure that we meet all environmental, health and safety regulatory compliance targets.

Corporate Social Responsibility

GYP Energy, as one of the large-scale employers and investors in Adıyaman and its surroundings, has been a material and non-material supporter of all institutions operating in the region in the fields of education, culture and sports under the leadership of Mr. Ecvet Sayer, Chairman of the Board of Directors, from past to present.

  • To sponsor the transportation of the 15th ‘Climbing Mount Nemrut with the Disabled’ project organised by Adıyaman Nemrut Rotary Club in 2015, 
  • To restore the buildings of Adıyaman Küçük Hasancık Primary School and to build an additional building,
  • To provide equipment for Doruk Primary School in Diyarbakır Tepe village,
  • To provide clothes and equipment to Adıyaman Kobra Karate School and our company supported many other activities to the Adıyaman region and its surroundings. 

OHS Policy

As GYP Energy, we are committed to strict compliance with the HSE (Health, Safety, Environment) guidelines set by IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors) for all our projects.

As GYP Energy, we are committed to successfully fulfil high OHSE (Occupational Health Safety Environment) standards at all times. While working in our company's operations and activities, all of our staff, contractor and subcontractor employees are responsible for our company's HSE performance. We are always committed to ensuring a safe working environment in close co-operation with our contractors, subcontractors and suppliers.